Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Time off

Well, after several weeks of flying. I am taking 2 days off. Well, I am not taking them, I have to take them. But either way, it is nice to catch up on a few things, like laundry....
Were are really doing some good in our area. Last week, my team caught some guys burying some artillary rounds. I think they were just hiding them, for later... But none the less, we caught them.
The soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade (Italy) love us. Apparently, they haven't had much helicopter support in the year they have been here. Well, that has changed... Everytime we go out into their AO (area of operations) they tell us that it is good to have us back, and would we mind doing this or that.... It is good to be wanted... and even better by some of the finest Americans. PARATROOPERS!!!!
I am in my tent right now, watching all of the pilots in my troop play Call to Duty 4. It is a video game. They all link their computers together, and fight each other. IT is the funniest thing. To hear them, they are in a real battle. Funny thing is that I hope they fly as good as they play... They really do...
Well, it is Ash Wednesday, and I am getting ready to go to mass. I still have'nt figured out how to put pictures on here. I doubt I will either.. But I am still trying...
Till next time.



Humbled Infidel said...

Thanks for posting this article. I blog at Vox and there are some of us that have connections with the 173rd in Afghanistan. I'm so glad they are getting air support now. And thank you for all you are doing for our country and for you all serving.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eric-
Greetings from Long Island, NY!!
I found your blog, since I get google alerts for the "173rd airborne". Thanks for supporting the Sky Soldiers! I send mail and packages to the 1-503 (thru and the mail is slowwwwwww...maybe it will pick up now that you are on the job! Thank YOU for your service for your country, and for your courage. Where are you in Afghanland? Have you signed up on yet? You could receive some great support from the states for your unit. Check it out when you get a chance. I'm looking forward to reading your blog. Ok, don't freak out because someone is actually reading it. LOL. I also passed your blog onto a couple of people...ok. you can contact me at
if you need some feedback or a package of goodies from the states. Stay warm, and hang in there! Hugs, Jo

Humbled Infidel said...

Well I guess it would be nice to let you know our blogs addresses.

I have three at Vox -

Tankerbabelc has been doing major work to get people and organizations to contribute to 173rds needs. She has done so much and she blogs about all of those who are contributing major amounts of supplies.

There is also DC Protest Warrior which is also working to get supplies and sending them to the 173rd.

This next one is Frank's blog. He has a son in the 173rd in Afghanistan.

Plus more. If you visit them you'll see more connections to our troops serving in Afghanistan.

Again Thank You for Serving!!!

ParachuteCutie said...

Ok Eric. You already have a fan club! GREAT to have a blog from Afghanistan and, it seems, the eastern region??? Won't put you on the spot due to OPSEC and all that.

As cassidyliz said, get signed up on so that people can send you all some luv! Great to see that she and others are sending support to the 173rd, 1-503 and we (naunice, concrete bob and many others) have been covering the 173rd, 2-503 and are hoping others have picked up the 1-91. Franks son is in the 2-503. And now we can add your gang to the group in never never land. Life is good.

IF you have access check out the photo on my blog. It was taken on the flight line at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo when I was there on a self funded humanitarian trip.

So keep those helos flying safely and often but NO HERO flights. OK? You have my deepest admiration and respect for what you do.

Sarah said...

Hi Eric- yet another supporter of the 173rd just checking in to say "hi" - I subscribed to your blog with bloglines feed. I hope you have a restful and relaxing "weekend" before they put you hard back to work. I'm so thankful for what you do. Take care! - Sarah

my blog is: