Friday, February 22, 2008 support and defend the constitution......

Well, this will be my last post on here.
As fun as it has been, we have been ordered to give the web address to any myspace, or blog that we have so that it can be monitored. While I understand the intent, and agree that operational security is EXTREAMLY important, I do not believe in the way with which this concern is being addressed.
I want to thank everyone who read and posted comments to my ramblings.
For those of you with friends and family in the 173rd Abn Bde, know that the Kiowas and the finest Cavalry Scouts in the United States Army will do everything in our power to keep them safe and secure until their return.

Thank you again for your comments, and kind words.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Went to Afghanistan and Garrison broke out

Well, it didn't take as long as I thought it would for the "Good Idea Fairy" to show up. For those of you not familiar with the Military, and the Army in general, the Good Idea Fairy (GIF) inevitably arrives whenever morale is high. She (gender neutral) sprinkles the magic dust and someone says "Hey, I have an idea, why don't we......followed by something really stupid.
Today, it was uniforms, specifically the Army Physical Fitness Uniform (APFU or just plain PT's)
You see, we are living in tents. NIce tents mind you (Thanks Kellog Brown & Root) with the bathroom and showers at the end of the camp. Maybe 100 yards away. Every morning, the collective masses rise and shine, and make their way to the facilities. Most of the time we are wearing our PT shorts, and whatever T-shirt was available at the moment. Shower shoes and shaving kit accessorise the outfit, topped off with the towel over the shoulder to complete the ensemble.
Well, in step the good idea fairy........
Hey I have an idea (read above) why dont we make everyone dress the same in the offical PT uniform.... That way we all look good on our way to the shower.... (someone really needs to get outside of the wire on occasion)
As I said, we all live in tents. There are wooden doors on the ends with locks which aid in the security of the few items we have inside. There are approximately 20 men (again gender neutral) living in one tent. Somehow, it was decided that it would be a good idea (is that dust in the air) to put the names and rank of individuals living in said tents on the door. Not a BAD idea, if there were no local nationals walking around. But that isnt the case. There is a really nice Afghan named Mohamed who everyday collects the trash from the cans outside of the tents. I like him a lot and he seems like a great guy... but I am not too crazy about him knowing that John Smith CW3 is living in the back right hand corner of the tent... Just as I would want him having his finger on the button.
There are a lot of other really Good Ideas running around here.... Too many in fact. But, such is life here...
The weather is warming up. Someone decided that turning up the Army issued heater would be a "Good Idea" I woke up and the digital thermometer read 84.1 degrees....
Love her or hate her the Good Idea Fairy has been with us since at least the Civil War. Or so Moke says. (thanks for the letters Mom.) As for me... I am on the fence.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Friends

Apparently, people can do a search and find blogs.
Well, to all my new friends I say hello, and welcome to my little corner of the world.
Since people are reading this who do not know me, I guess I should introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me.

I am obviously in the Army and have been for 19 years.
I am a OH58D helicopter pilot. (It is the small helicopter that has a large ball on the top). Our job is to look for the bad guys.
We are in Afghanistan, in the same location as the 173rd ABN. As a former Paratrooper of the 82nd ABN DIV I love working for them.
This is only the second time that the 58D has been here, and I am fortunate enough to have been here with the first unit, and now again with the 101st. ABN DIV.
I am married to the woman of my dreams, (Love you Tan) and have 2 boys. 2 yrs and 10 months

So, imagine my suprise when I looked on here and saw 5 posts in responce to my last post. Then to see that I didn't know anyone. Well, I hope that with this, you know a little bit about me, and what we do. Over the next year I will be sharing with you (I guess anyone) my experiences here in Afghanistan. Oh by the way. I love this country, and the people so it will have a slight slant in that reguard.
More than that, I have a deep seated belief in what we are doing here, and have seen first hand the progress that has been made in the lives of the Afghan people.
So enjoy my ramblings.....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Time off

Well, after several weeks of flying. I am taking 2 days off. Well, I am not taking them, I have to take them. But either way, it is nice to catch up on a few things, like laundry....
Were are really doing some good in our area. Last week, my team caught some guys burying some artillary rounds. I think they were just hiding them, for later... But none the less, we caught them.
The soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade (Italy) love us. Apparently, they haven't had much helicopter support in the year they have been here. Well, that has changed... Everytime we go out into their AO (area of operations) they tell us that it is good to have us back, and would we mind doing this or that.... It is good to be wanted... and even better by some of the finest Americans. PARATROOPERS!!!!
I am in my tent right now, watching all of the pilots in my troop play Call to Duty 4. It is a video game. They all link their computers together, and fight each other. IT is the funniest thing. To hear them, they are in a real battle. Funny thing is that I hope they fly as good as they play... They really do...
Well, it is Ash Wednesday, and I am getting ready to go to mass. I still have'nt figured out how to put pictures on here. I doubt I will either.. But I am still trying...
Till next time.
